Upcoming Events at Periyar Maniammai Institute
Completed Events at Periyar Maniammai Institute
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Swacth Bharat Abyan Competitions was conducted under the Theme- "Clean india, Healthy India: How indian Standards are Shaping a Clean and Healthier Future"
An One day Local Visit was arranged to Muthu Pipes Private Limited, Muthu Mariamman Agro Garden,Vilar, Thanjavur district. 25 students with two faculty members were present at work site. Ms. G.E Anushya from BIS Madurai was engaged with us explained all the standardisation concepts during fabrication of the product.
World standards day was celebrated on 12.10.2023 in association with Standard club of PMIST. The Students Leader Mr.Hariharan ( II Year Biotechnology) welcomed the participants, guest and the expert members. Participants from various other departments and from other institutions participated the events. Competitions like quiz, Debate, Poster Designing & Standard writing were conducted.
Mind Club conducted seminar on Supporting Adolescent Enhancing Learning and Mental Wellness. Mrs.M.Abirami, Freelance Counsellor & Psychiatric Social Worker, Kumbakonam, Thanjavur gave the special address.
Cybercrime and drug abuse awareness educate individuals on the risks of online threats and substance misuse, promoting safer choices and behaviors. By understanding the dangers, people can protect themselves from cyber threats and avoid the harmful effects of drug abuse. These awareness efforts foster healthier, more secure communities.
Organized by: - The Institution of Engineers (India) PMIST Chapter - National Cyber Security Research Council - PMIST - Department of Computer Science & Engineering Date: October 8, 2024 Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Venue: Valluvar Hall, PMIST Our esteemed speaker, Mr. T. Siva, Founder of Cybernerds Solutions, Thanjavur, has delivered an insightful seminar on the topic.
The Institution Engineers India, PMIST CHAPTER in association with Departments of Biotechnology and Mechanical Engineering organized 57th Engineers Day Seminar “Driving Sustainability with Engineering Solutions Embracing the Latest AI Driven Technologies” on 18.09.2024 Mr.Praveen Raj Jayabal,Founder and CTO, TechVoyager Pvt. Ltd., Thanjavur .
The Institution Engineers India,Tamil Nadu State Centre, IEI Thanjavur Local Centre,IEI PMIST CHAPTER in association with Institute of Aeronautics Astronautics and Aviation organized a All India Seminar on “Trends in Aviation (Civil & Defence)” at PMIST Campus Dr.S.Pandiyan, Former Director, SDSC SHAR, ISRO inaugurated the event. Guest of Honour, Dr.P.Karupannan, Project LEAD, Startup TN, Government of Tamilnadu.
The Institution Engineers India, Thanjavur Local Centre in association with IEI PMIST Local Chapter and Periyar TBI, EDC Aerospace of PMIST organized a seminar Resource Person - Er.C.S.Karunakaran, Founder & CEO, Pullinam Aerospace Technologies, Manager, Stepup Incubation Centre, SIMTAS, Chennai.